When it comes to succeeding in college, one of the most important aspects is keeping track of everything on your plate.
While you might think you just need to keep track of your assignments and deadlines, it becomes even more complicated if you also have a social life, part-time job, internships, and everything else that comes with college life.
While digital tools can help a lot for keeping you on track, few things beat out a notebook for organization.
Here is how you can get the most out of your academic planner:
All of your student assignments, due dates, homework, and finals
As soon as you get your syllabus, you should sit down and put all of your assignments and due dates inside of your planner. Inside the MSTRPLN academic planner, there are monthly pages dedicated to putting in projects along with a monthly overview.
Doing this will also make sure you can see when weeks are busier than others so you can plan ahead accordingly and avoid the last-minute assignment stress.
Your overall schedule
Once you have all of your deadlines mapped out, it’s time to put in your overall schedule and see how everything comes together.
Inside the MSTRPLN academic planner, there is a space for each semester and your schedule, which I highly recommend filling out. That way, you can see how you can fit in your work, homework assignments, and everything else you have going on.
Weekly planning
I wish I could say that once you do the first two steps, you’re done and everything is organized. The truth is, every week you’ll have to go in and adjust your schedule for the upcoming week to make sure you’re on top of everything being thrown your way.
Pro tip: Find extra time you can get ahead on things, don’t just do the assignments for the week. That way, your semester progressively gets easier or you at least take some of your workload off your plate.
While those three steps will get the ball rolling, here are some other ideas that might spark your creativity:
Potential career projects
If you are interested in a certain career, one of the best ways to figure out if it’s a good fit is to talk to people in that specific industry. One way you could keep track of this is to make a career spread in the back blank pages of people to talk to, certain industries you’re interested in, and notes from each meeting. Each week, you could then plug in who you want to reach out to.
Side hustle spreads
Most of us have some type of side hustle, whether it’s selling designs on Etsy or walking dogs, and keeping track of this info can help you keep it all in one place. You could also keep a running list of what you’d like to create or start doing as a side gig in college.
Bucket list
Now, just because school is a ton of work, doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice fun and play. Keeping a running list of your long-term and short-term goals or fun things to do can help make sure you include some fun.